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Unit Unt_iopcc;    {$mode         delphi}{$H+}        Interface      Procedure     Main;
Implementation {$define _} type L=integer ;I=0..3;const Z=1 shl 11; U=$13
shl 1+1; O=U and -U;D =O shl (O shl O + O);C=
' _|' ;B= $597B ;l0: array [I]of L=(0, -3,U -O,-O)

lQ:array[I] of L= (O,U,-O, -U);var E:array [0..Z] of L; function H(var
Q:L):L;begin H:= Q; Inc (Q) ;end;procedure Q(U:L); begin if U < D then

Write (C[B shr (H(U) shl 1) and 3]+C [B shr
( U shl 1) and 3 ])else Write (Copy (C+C+C+LineEnding,
U+O, 3)); end; {!} Procedure Main; {!!!} var ll: array[0.. Z] of L;
// # This is Just an Dum- my Comment to ~ fill the Gaps ********

Hel:l=0; //LGPL 2017
Wor:l=d-D; // by Joe

P,A,S,CA:L; //Care

l1:array [I]of L;begin Randomize; E[0]:=
d;CA:=U*U-O;A :=CA;E[CA]:=Z+2; while(Wor<>0) or(_fe
>=Hel) do begin oO:=0 ;S:=CA ;CA:= A;_C:=
E[S]; Wor:=0 ;for P in(l0 ) do begin
A:=lQ [P and 3]+S; if((A >= 0) and(A<
U*U) and(P<> (A mod U))and (( _C and Z)
E [A]and Z))) then begin l1[ H(
Wor) ]:=P; end; end ; if ( Wor<>0
)then begin P:=l1[ Random (Wor)] and 3;
A:=lQ [P]+S ;E[S] := _C or O shl P;
E[A] :=E[A]or Z or( O shl( (P+2) mod 4));ll[H(_fe)]
A;end else begin if _fe >=Hel then A:=ll[H(Hel)];
end;end ; Q(d-2); for S :=O to U-O do Q(D shr O);Q(D+O);
for S:=O to U do begin for A:=O to U do Q(E[H(Oo)]and 6
);Q(D);end; {$IFDEF _} Readln ; {$ENDIF}End;end.

// (C)ode an (O)pen (O)bjectoriented (L)anguage !!!!!
